Yatağan-Deviation-Muğla-Marmaris-Deviation Road
Yatagan Diversion-Mugla-Marmaris Diversion Road (between km: 74+000 - 125+000) earthworks, engineering structures and hot bituminous mixture laying works. Project will be implemented as divided road with 2x2 lanes 26ms wide and 51 km long. Within project approximately 400.000 m³ earthworks, 51 km of discharge arrangement, drainage and landscaping works, 725.000 tons of plant xix sub-foundation and plant mix foundation works, and 600.000 tons of hot bituminous mixture laying works will be done.
Client: 2nd Regional Administration of General Directorate of State Highways
Start Date: 03.05.2010
End Date: 29.11.2012